Dr. Amira Ehrlich Levinsky College of Education, Israel The activity of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) includes several commissions and special interest group (SIGs) that aim to engage researchers and practitioners from around the world who share specific fields of interest. Every two years the SIGs READ MORE
Author: Tawnya Smith
Eco-literate Poems and Drum Kit Rhythms: A Creative Conversation for Wellbeing -Conference Presentation Preview
Gareth: Throughout the lockdown of spring 2020, I yearned to connect – with other people, with the world around me, and with my drums. But working from home sapped my energy and drive. The strangeness of not hugging or shaking hands and of avoiding people on the street, was intense. READ MORE
The Role of the Worship Leader in a Global Pandemic – Conference Presentation Preview
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown measures included the closure of churches, chapels, synagogues, and mosques around the world. While Christianity is very diverse in nature, church attendance is foundational to many Christians’ spiritual lives as it includes elements of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission, among others. As a READ MORE
Culturally Responsive Mentoring for Music Educators – A Presentation Preview for the Upcoming MSWI Conference
For music educators, establishing positive, dependable relationships with colleagues in the community is an important element of the mentoring process. Culturally responsive care, when applied to mentoring, fosters an environment where individuals are fully seen in all aspects of their identity through a holistic and anti-oppressive approach to READ MORE
Christians, Muslims, and Jews welcome the winter season performing together on Zoom from Israel and the UK
The 2020 pandemic unleashed two contradictory forces of global affinity and lonely isolation. As many countries enacted lockdown policies individuals and communities had to deal with unprecedented enforced isolation. At the same time, at least for a few moments, people all over the world felt a strong sense of affinity READ MORE