Tales, Myths and Stories: Call for chapter proposal
Call for chapter proposal Tales, Myths and Stories: Exploring Narrative Methodologies in Music Research Edited by Tiri Bergesen Schei, Amira Erlich and Kari Holdhus Book to be proposed for publication in landscapes: The arts, Aesthetics end education (Springer publishing: Liora Bresler, Series Editor).
by Maria Soriano
9/16/20221 min read

Storytelling is both an extraordinary and everyday practice which includes ancient fairytales and sagas, alongside everyday forms of micro and macro narrative, through which individuals and groups interact, negotiate values, make sense of the past, structure the present and imagine the future. Quite simply: “people without narratives do not exist” (Polkinghorne). This book will focus on narrative forms of research and inquiry. Contemplating the ways narrative may exist in more-than linguistic forms through its entanglement with music, film, photography, dance, and other performative expressions will be valued. We invite creative, multilayered, technological and/or other non-verbal expressions and illustrations, e.g., using QR-links.
Writers may also consider narratives about music and musical experiences, alongside how music itself can be understood as a narrative gesture, or the ways artistic work may sublimely address the “unspeakable”. What kind of narratives emerge when we focus on the places, spaces, and environments where music and musical experiences emerge? What stories do musical materials and objects themselves tell us? How does narrative evolve and circulate across digital media platforms?
When narratives circulate quickly and become detached from local situatedness, what are the possibilities and risks of appropriation and re-storying across sites, cultures, and borders? When post-humanistic and socio-materialist researchers connect their inquiry to issues of sustainable development and social justice, how can such perspectives guide reflection and debate among narrative researchers in and around music?
Tentative project timeline
October 1. 2022 – submission of an extended abstract (1500 words excluding references)
November 1. Notification of chapter proposal acceptance
December 1. Book proposal sent to Springer
February 1. 2023 Full chapter (4000-6000 words, including abstract and references)
May 1 st 2023 submission of revised chapter
August 1 st submission of final chapter
Early 2024 anticipated publication
All submissions and enquiries should be directed to Tiri B. Schei: tbs@hvl.no
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Exploring music with a spiritual dimension together.
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