On Saturday 1st February 2020 we had our last Wheel of the Year event before COVID lockdown that could take place in person. This was held at June Boyce-Tillman’s home who generously offered us to have the meeting there, and co-lead by her and Maria Soriano (Singing4Health).
An event with a lot of stories and history, Maria would tell about the story of Goddess Bridget and June would speak about the analogies with Saint Bridget and the triple goddess. We created a center piece with flowers and the traditional serpent’s skin as a symbol of new life, and there where of course, songs to sing.
A memorable event, as it would be a while until we can do Wheel of the Year events in person again.

20th October 2020
THE ARTS IN PALLIATIVE CARE, “Re-considering care, aesthetics, value”
This symposium, the first of its kind in Scotland, aims to bring together arts therapists, community and performing artists as well as other professionals from different disciplinary spaces to re-consider what the arts can offer to people and communities when facing death, dying and loss. Fostering dialogue and exchange, the symposium is organised in four conversations where panels of speakers will explore notions of care, aesthetics and value in relation to four key areas: i) community, voices ii) partnerships, currencies iii) body, words iv) transitions, aesthetics. More information here.

Exploring music with a spiritual dimension together.
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