Stephen Roberts
Stephen Roberts is an academic theologian, Anglican priest and amateur musician based in Cardiff (Wales, UK). He worked as a parish priest and university chaplain in London before moving into theological education (St Michael’s College, Llandaff, Cardiff) and then academic theology (University of Chichester). He is now Tutor in Practical Theology and Mission at the South Wales Baptist College and Honorary Lecturer at Cardiff University. Rooted in the inter-related disciplines of practical and public theology, he has particular interests in chaplaincy, inter-faith relations, liturgy, and the relationship between music, spirituality and theology. He has published in each of these areas, including co-editing and contributing to Enlivening Faith: Music, Spirituality and Christian Theology (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019). He is a proud member of the Cardiff-based community big band, Wonderbrass.
Exploring music with a spiritual dimension together.
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